Monday, 4 August 2014

Least We Forget.

Today we are reminded of the Great War. It was 100 years ago today that 750,000 young men volunteered to defend their King and Country. It later transpired that 250,000 of them were not even old enough, in the euphoria to sign up many of them had lied about their ages, they were just boys, barely 15 years old who thought it would be a great way to see a bit of the world, believing that it would all be over in six months. Those who were old enough didn’t know much better, in their naivety, they were even given leave from their jobs, some being told, ‘it would be a nice little holiday.’
Unlike today, 100 years ago news did not travel fast, it was not until they had crossed the channel that the facts began to emerge and as the red hot shrapnel plummeted down on them and the  gas attacks blinded them did the truth  and full horror of what they had been led into emerge.  
It was only in their latter years that some were able to bear their souls and the burdens of their hearts to tell their tales. A film clip of a veteran now passed on,  shed a tear as he shared how his friend with major body parts missing, in shock had asked him for a cigarette, by the time he had taken two puffs he was dead- like a puff of smoke he was gone. Life expectancy was short; if you lasted more than six weeks you were classed as lucky.
The Great War which these young volunteers anticipated was to last no more than six months actually lasted 1560 days. The ceasefire took place on the 11th Hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, and more than sixteen million lives were lost in the conflict.
Looking at life today, I think we like to feel things are better, but in a way the world is still at war. News travels much faster nowadays and listening to the news sadly it seems we have not moved on that greatly. In Iraq, Libya, Syria Egypt Israel and Palestine people are still killing each other and then in July there was the terrible plane crash. 298 passengers and crew on a Malaysian airline were shot down as they flew over the Ukraine. What terrible tragedies. What can we say?
This was the question I posed to our writers group at our last meeting. What can you say to those who have lost their loved ones? People who are hurting become angry and they will look for somebody to blame, sadly when all else fails many will blame it on God. Even those who say they don’t believe in God will blame God. Yes with regards to faith times have changed, but when it comes to our final hour has it? 100 years ago I believe when those young men lay dying in agony they would have prayed to God. And as it says in Acts 2 verse 21
‘Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
So today I say, to all those who suffer and mourn I pray you will find your faith. it is a fact that many people when in times of trouble will pray, so give it a try, call upon the name of the Lord. I pray that through these terrible tragedies although loved ones may be gone, you will meet them again. 
As that old song goes, ‘We’ll meet again don’t know where don’t know when but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.’

A dedication to my beloved Grandad, who although long gone, fought and survived the Great War.

Yours Truly

P.S Two ladies from our writers group felt they would like to say something too. I hope it will comfort you.:-

Trace the Rainbow through the Rain

Never lose sight of the rainbow
For it is God's promise to you.
Though dark clouds may threaten your skyline
God's rainbow will surely break through.
If ever you feel life is hopeless,
and your living seems in vain.
That is the time to trace the rainbow through the rain.
Never lose sight of the rainbow
as you wend your way through life.
Perhaps you feel tired and weary,
with many troubles and strife.
Though you try to keep cheerful,
you're battling so much pain
This is the time to trace the rainbow through the rain.
Never lose sight of the rainbow 
though friends may come and go.
It seems that life's too busy
to spend time with those we know.
Perhaps you've lost a loved one
and life won't be the same.
That is the time to trace the rainbow through the rain.
Never lose sight of the rainbow,
though dark clouds may hide it from view.
Keep looking for that rainbow
that's out there for me and for you.
One day you're going to find it ,
and all pain will turn to gain.
And you'll be so glad you traced God's rainbow in the rain.                 
 ....... Renne


My child there are things so cruel and crippling - things that will befall you because this world is fallen. So far from perfect - so far, far from my original plan when I set the world in motion all those thousands of years ago . Then there was no commotion, no evil notion but now my child there is difficulty, pain and shame but that is why I came. To bear them all. To shoulder the cruelest tragedies that struck at your heart and mine. 
When you feel you can no longer go on - I My child am there. There in the fog of disillusionment - there when the pain stabs your heart and tears at your soul. You were never meant to walk alone. I bear you up in my hands. I hold you tight and help you fight - fight against the terrifying fright. Just stretch out your hand - if you can - and find mine. I will take the wounds...wrap your soul in My unquenchable love...carry you through the darkest valley. So reach out your hand and take mine.

Other inspirations can be read in ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’ by Julie Prentice.              Available on Amazon or email for stockists.                          Follow us on twitter JulieJules07 on face book page Beauty & Belief

1 comment:

  1. So true Julie our dear Lord does get blamed sometimes when things go wrong. Often human beings forget that we all have free will and sometimes choose wrong and sinful ways. I sincerely hope that there are no more world wars and I pray that peace breaks out everywhere. Our God is a great big God and He hears the smallest prayer. Thanks to you and all for sharing your inspirational writings. God bless you.Elizabeth.
