I was having my quiet time, I like to sit
and spend time where I can reflect on matters of my heart and do what I need to
do to keep me feeling tick-eddy-boo (as my dear old aunt used to say)
Being honest there has been rather a lot of
changes in our household over the last 6 months. A continual prayer of mine has
always been for me to be a good mother and wife and lead a good life and I pray
for the hearts desires of my family.
Well I feel a major prayer was answered
with the arrival of a certain young man from London. He got chatting to my
daughter on the internet on Valentines Day (can you believe it! I don’t think God could have given me a bigger
sign that this was heaven sent!) Within three months their relationship was
official and our house soon became consumed with their love and laughter! Such a blessing I have to say, love is such a blessing, but as you probably well
know love stirs up all kinds of emotions and not all of them make us feel so
fluffy. Saying goodbye to daughter as she started her new life at University
was one such occasion. Although excited for her I have to be honest as a mother
this does tug at the heart strings somewhat, but I rest assured that this is
all part of the plan. A month on and independence seems to be good for her, she
is enjoying her course and settling in well. Good friendships have already been
made that I sense will be longstanding and inspiring for her.
However there are certain aspects of life
that can be quite crushing to the heart. I don’t want to come across as a
moaner or in any way negative. I always like to start my day off in a positive
way, but we all have times where we have to clear out the junk don’t we? We
need to have a ‘De-clutter’ every so often, if not we would have no room for
the new. So today I am having my 20 minute’s worth and that way I can be rid of
it. ‘Cast your cares upon me for I care for you,’ it says in the word, so to
cast it from my mind I must first pray about it and then simply give it to God
- hand it over to Him.
As I finished my prayer I felt that
soothing sensation, like a hush and then a rush as memories unfolded before my
eyes. Pictures that reminded me of precious times that consume my heart and
soul; like the time on holiday, dancing with my husband; I saw that look of love
in his eyes that really said it all and really touched deep down in my soul.
The time when my Son was troubled and I had to fight back tears as I watched
the pain in his eyes, even though I knew it would be fleeting. Talking with daughter’s boyfriend about a birthday
surprise and reading a message from her on face book that really warmed my
heart. Visiting my mum and dad after a hospital ordeal and suddenly realizing that
although by no means frail, my parents are getting older. Yes people are
precious, and many are sent to bless us. So when things get you down pray,
‘God let not my heart be downcast, guide me always, because I believe we are
all set apart to share of your heart.’
Have any memories stirred your heart? Does your soul feel soothed?
Always cast your cares upon Him so that you can see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Bless you.
Yours Truly
P.S. Rant is now over, peace has been
restored and revelation has been revealed: -
Always focus on the best not on the bad.
'But what if your best is not good enough for some?' My inner voice probed
Well sometimes we have to decide that enough is enough. Leave it with God. He knows best.
'And the rest' I heard my spirit jump up and reply.
Message received;-
We can only do our best - we have to let God do the rest.
inspirations can be read in ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’ by Julie
Prentice. Available on Amazon or email julie.jules2007@hotmail.co.uk for stockists.
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