Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Listening to the news recently they had been discussing the progression of technology in the UK. I had felt a bit shocked, as if the story was to be believed it sounded as if we have embraced it with all abandonment! They then pictured lots of little robots scurrying around doing various different tasks. Kind of cute from a Disneyland point of view but then they said they are looking at ways of replacing the human workforce with robots and it seems they are prepared to go to great lengths to get the British public on board with this!

Thinking about it, having a robot doing some of my cleaning sounds quite appealing, also the use of technology for artificial limbs is great. But sitting down having a cup of tea and a nice heart to heart with one - that I cannot imagine. Neither the idea that people should spend their time pursuing leisurely activities rather than work, apparently the way forward is to get these robots to take over so that we can spend our time doing….. Exactly what?

 To me this sounds more like the book of revelation and the end times!

If you are of a working age and don’t work you don’t earn and having no money kind of restricts your options don’t you think?  I can’t imagine the government giving handouts to everyone in the UK to sit at home pursuing leisurely activities while robots do the work, unless they are going to pay all of our tax and national insurance contributions!

Will this be one step to far?

My mum bless her, constantly likes to reminisce about ‘The good old days,’ but what was good about them?  Getting up in the middle of the night and charging down to an air raid shelter while some unknown person dropped bombs on you seemed terrifying to me.
 ‘Well people seemed much nicer then and we all stuck together,’ argued Mum.

She may have a point there, out in the city the other day I noticed a lot of people seemed rather more stuck to their mobiles than anything else. I have to confess I don’t like to leave the house without mine either, I think mobiles are good, but there is good and bad in everything so is this creating an anti-social society? Is it restricting us rather than liberating us? Appallingly, in one hi-tech country an experiment proved robots very successful with the elderly as they proved very good company. How sad is that?

Well Mother Teresa said the worst problem in the world was not starvation. It was loneliness.

We need to take time out for each other. Every person needs to feel valued.
You feel so much better about yourself when you do something nice for somebody else rather than yourself
And we all need a special someone don’t we?
Hopefully not a robot! 

 Jesus said, 'I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So do not be troubled or afraid.'        John 14:27

Other inspirations can be read in ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’ by Julie Prentice £8.99.                 Follow us on twitter JulieJules07 
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