Saturday, 31 March 2012

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Since inviting people to our event, 'Beauty & Belief'  I have had several people question me about my book, 'On Earth as it is in Heaven' as to what is it actually about. Well I don't want to say too much as I would rather that you read it for yourself, but here are some clues. 

Is there more to life than the here and now, what we have on this earth?
This is a subject that has been discussed throughout the ages, since in fact life first began.
We all have our own views and opinions, and we have all heard stories of many different kinds.
So do you believe there is a hereafter?
Do you believe it is possible for Heaven to touch us here on Earth?
We live in an imperfect world. As we journey through life things happen to us. Happiness hurt loss rejection, you know them all I am sure.
They make us the person we are today.
But what if you woke up one night and felt like you went on a journey somewhere else?
To a place that filled you with horror beyond belief, and then another night to a place that filled you with such total love and peace?
How would you feel? What would you do?
I think you would want to share that story
Wouldn't you?

 And as a personal note the back cover reads:

Dear Reader
This book has been written for you. It has been written not by me, but by the spirit inside of me. I received this gift from above. 'Above where?' You may ask. Well you might think it was from an angel. Or from a loved one who has passed away. I believe it was from someone much greater.
I know where I've been and I know what I've seen. It is way beyond me. But I have to be honest. It has filled me with so much more than myself. It has made me feel special. It has inspired me for my future. It has made me want to share it with you.
Yes, you have been chosen. That makes you special too. So please, I beg you just read it from beginning to end. Because I believe someone, somewhere, thinks something of you. If you believe it, you will definitely receive it. 'Whatever is it?' you might ask. Let's call it a blessing. I believe someone wants to bless you from above

 On Earth as it is in Heaven  by Julie Prentice £8.99 available on Amazon  or email for stockists
For more information about our event see my previous blog, hope you can join us!