Saturday, 30 July 2011

Blessings from Heaven

I have always loved the week-end. A time to wind down, chill out and indulge myself with family and friends and have that wonderful lie-in!
I guess I have over-indulged myself today, as I lie in my bed, sipping my cup of tea, I felt I needed to step into what I call my secret place. I felt the Spirit stirring my mind into the recesses of my heart and soul and before I knew it I had been transported to that beautiful place once again; I laughed as I felt welcomed by the tinkling of the leaves and the gentleness of the breeze.
 As I rested my back against the tree, I heard my inner voice suddenly jump up and say, ‘Are you glad you done it then? Was it worth all the effort?’
I laughed. ‘Of course it was,’ I replied, ‘but you know that anyway.’
‘Well I still want you to tell me what happened,’ He probed, ‘Because I want to hear what is in your heart.’
I pondered, it had been quite a journey, I remember the night of that first visitation when we went up and up from the dungeons of the deep, to that place of such perfect peace. I recalled how the sunlight had seemed so incredibly bright when I had felt that book land in my lap. I had been snapped out of my reverie as my ears were filled with the sound of the words, ‘Write, just write. ’
 What could I do? It had become all consuming, so I obeyed and I wrote what, eventually, became a book. But what a blessing that has been!
I smiled as I remember Westminster, that young lady looking quite shocked when I told her I felt I should give her a copy of the book, On Earth as it is In Heaven. ‘Bless you,’ she eventually replied. Well she most certainly did, later she wrote to me, I found it so encouraging, she said she knew it had been a divine encounter; it was like reading about herself! She confessed she felt her heart was being stirred, as for some time she had felt that she should write her story too!
Then there is my cousin, I hadn’t seen her for years, not to sit down and have a real good heart to heart with anyway! Apparently she had seen the write up in the paper, and she knew she just had to read the story. Thankfully she did, and what a blessing that was! We have since spent some time having a good heart- to- heart! But what struck me as quite amazing was when she laughed and said she had attempted writing her story too! She now felt she should. Bless her she is such a kindred Spirit!
I smiled, I could go on, as I encounter different days walking along the way, fresh pastures open up and encounters unfold. A dear lady had turned to me only the other day and said, ‘Do I know you?’ It had been at a meeting, I had taken the only remaining seat next to her. ‘Oh yes, the book,’ she said before I had a chance to reply. But I knew it was another divine encounter, we chatted and eventually she confessed after reading it several times, she felt challenged to write her story too!
I sighed, I felt so blessed. I was so glad that I had made the decision to get the book published myself. I will be honest, I had not felt led to spend my time running around putting it out to all the big publishing houses, it seemed such a chore and the chances of them saying yes to somebody such as myself, I have to say, seemed somewhat slim, because to be honest I do not reside alongside the likes of the rich and the famous, who these Publishing Houses are so interested in.
 I reside alongside the Lord. My hope is in Him, my Heavenly Father. I trust in Him, He has led me to so many people who have helped me along the way. Through having faith in Him, my book has been published, everyday new blessings unfold and to know that my story has somehow helped someone along the way, well what can I say? It has given me one of the desires of my heart.   
Other inspirations can be read in ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’ by Julie Prentice £8.99. Available at Amazon or email