Saturday 4th June was a day of much celebration as my son returned home from University. He was back in the family fold but as we unpacked his clothes I discovered other things were about to unfold.
That saying, ‘life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to unwrap,’ seemed quite apt as Hubby discovered when reading through son’s graduation booklet that he had somehow forgotten to book himself into his graduation ceremony!
To say this caused a certain storm in our household would be a good description I feel. We were all so looking forward to the celebration! But then I turned and as I looked at my son’s face I felt my heart melt. He had made a mistake; we all make them from time to time don’t we?
Trying to put a brave face on it I felt there must be something we could do, but alas, when looking on the website it read ‘Booking office closed. No more bookings available,’ I thought I should probably accept what it said, even though it made my spirit sink.
‘See,’ agreed my hubby and son, ‘there is nothing to be done!’
Well I did not agree, maybe not here, but up there maybe, something could still be done.
I looked up above, 'Heavenly Father, do something please!' I prayed.
I looked up above, 'Heavenly Father, do something please!' I prayed.
Several days later, as I sat at the computer my eye kept getting drawn to the graduation booklet. It was as if it was trying to tell me something. Suddenly I leapt up and before I knew it I had the phone in my hand and was ringing the Office number. It was as if someone had been behind me pushing me to do it!
If I had expected a frosty response then I was very much mistaken as within a matter of minutes of passing the phone to my son it was all sorted.
Apparently by some miracle not all the spaces had been taken-even though the website clearly stated that there were no more places available.
So here is the morale of my tale for today: -
Don't take everything in this world at face value.
In all that you endeavour to do make the effort to push through.
Somebody somewhere thinks something of you and wants to help you too.
So have a little bit of faith.
John 14:13 seemed apt to me today:-
'You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.'
Don't take everything in this world at face value.
In all that you endeavour to do make the effort to push through.
Somebody somewhere thinks something of you and wants to help you too.
So have a little bit of faith.
John 14:13 seemed apt to me today:-
'You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.'
Other inspirations can be read in ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’ by Julie Prentice £8.99. Available at Amazon or email